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For all information and news, check on: www.talaash.at
For all information and news, check on: www.talaash.at
Vandana Shiva im Gespräch
Mi., 29. Oktober
18.00 Uhr
Politische Akademie
Tivoligasse 73
1120 Wien
Siehe unter: http://www.iufe.at/
Vandana Shiva im Gespräch
Mi., 29. Oktober
18.00 Uhr
Politische Akademie
Tivoligasse 73
1120 Wien
Siehe unter: http://www.iufe.at/
Klänge der Liebe
Rezitation südasiatischer und tibetischer Dichtung
Donnerstag, 16.10.2008
Vortragssaal des Instituts für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin
"Alte Kapelle"
Spitalgasse 2, Eingang 2.8.
1090 Wien
International Day of Non-Violence: Does Gandhi matter?
Freitag, 3.10.2008
Aula das Universitäts Campus Altes AKH
Spitalgasse 2, Eingang 1.11
1090 Wien
Freitag, 3.10.2008
Aula das Universitäts Campus Altes AKH
Spitalgasse 2, Eingang 1.11
1090 Wien
Der Wirtschaftsboom in Indien
und die politisch-soziale Konsequenzen
Mit Kurzreferaten von:
Dr. Herbert Traxl, Botschafter i.R.
Brigitte Voykowitsch, ORF
Datum: 27.06.2008
Uhrzeit: 15:00
Ort: Seminarraum 1 des Instituts für Südasien-, Tibet- und
Buddhismuskunde, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.7, 1. Stock.
Nähere Infos unter: http://www.istb.univie.ac.at/ger/home/istb-home.html
Film: "Burma all inclusive" by Roland Wehap
The semi-documentary film “BURMA ALL INCLUSIVE”
describes the situation in a country which has, as a result
of its political situation, for a long time been isolated
from the outside world, but which is now slowly opening
up to tourism. $ find their way into the pockets of precisely
those who have taken this country hostage: the
generals. Not even the Nobel Peace Prize has changed
the situation: Aung San Suu Kyii is still, to this day, isolated
from the world outside.
More info: www.rowe.at/burma/
Tuesday 17 June 2008, 19 p.m.
at: Juridicum Sem20
(2nd floor Law Building, Schottenbastei 10-16)
The semi-documentary film “BURMA ALL INCLUSIVE”
describes the situation in a country which has, as a result
of its political situation, for a long time been isolated
from the outside world, but which is now slowly opening
up to tourism. $ find their way into the pockets of precisely
those who have taken this country hostage: the
generals. Not even the Nobel Peace Prize has changed
the situation: Aung San Suu Kyii is still, to this day, isolated
from the world outside.
More info: www.rowe.at/burma/
Tuesday 17 June 2008, 19 p.m.
at: Juridicum Sem20
(2nd floor Law Building, Schottenbastei 10-16)
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