Vortrag von Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Varieties of Transculture

Datum: 15. März 2008
Ort: Kunsthalle Exnergasse, /WUK, 1090 Wien
Zeit: (Panel 4) 15.30 -18.00

Programm zur Konferenz: http://translate.eipcp.net/Actions/discursive/wien2008/de

1 Kommentar:

Aristotle hat gesagt…

All the greetings to Talaash from Calcutta!:)

And wow, Gayatri Spivak was there? One of my heroes you can say:-), did you attend, how did it go?

And you know what, she would be speaking in calcutta on the 23rd! Oh these travelling scholars...